04 - Maternity Leave. Exceptions may be made where:The NWT Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) and territorial government began negotiations toward a new collective agreement on Tuesday. Activities with Elders or other Indigenous language speakers where there is the opportunity to hear and. 00 This Collective Agreement shall be for the period commencing November 1, 2012 and ending October 31, 2014, and shall remain in effect from year to year thereafter unless one of the Parties hereto notifies the other in writing within a period of not less than sixty (60) working days prior to the automatic. Bold. Members who require more information regarding these leaves are advised to refer to the collective agreement in their specifi c agreement for additional guidelines. There are times when special circumstances impact your ability to report to work. Reference. GNWT Collective Agreement 2021-2023 - French. SÉCURITÉ D'EMPLOI Article 41 - Embauche des enseignants 34. Maternity and/or Parental Leave Application. Entitlements for employees are contained in collective agreements and employee handbooks including: Collective Agreement with the UNW - Article 19 - Special Leave Collective Agreement. Téléphone (867) 766-5050; Télécopieur (867) 873-5051; Écrivez-nous. 1. Fax - Télécopieur (867) 873-0109. 01(e) - Adult Educators Appendix B - Pay Schedules NWTTA Collective Agreement ArticleMain Collective Agreement with UNW Article 21. OR1 will capture the additional entitlement when working a shift at 1. the Northwest Territories Teacher’s Association (NWTTA) methodology is updated with information available on June 1 for northern allowances effective September 1. nwtta collective agreement; diims gnwt login; nwt collective agreement; peoplesoft gnwt; gnwt employee email login; A quick guide on editing Members Travel Authorization-Expense Claim Form Online. The Association is the collective bargaining agent for and on behalf of all employees falling within the scope of this Agreement. 4. If you. While each collective agreement may address the same issue, NWTTA NEWS NEWS. NWTTA Members -. Maternity, Parental and Adoption Leave – UNW, Excluded, NWTTA and Senior Manager Employees. 3. Yellowknife (February 23, 2022) Effective September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2025, the agreement includes a retroactive salary increase of 1. June 25 2016 GNWT Package Response Page 2 The NWTTA verbal response provided to the GNWT on June 25, 2016 went a long way at reducing the issues outstanding. All members of the TTF are committed to trading only in legally sourced timber as a minimum requirement. This Agreement is effective Aug 1, 2020 to July 31, 2021. Title: Microsoft Word - Duty Travel Rates effective July 2019. The purpose of this agreement is to commit the parties to developing, maintaining and fostering an effective collective bargaining relationship that is based upon recognized terms and conditions of employment. 3. 01 The purpose of this Agreement is: - to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between the Employer, the members of the Bargaining Unit and the Northwest Territories Teachers' Association, and - to state certain terms and conditions of employment on remuneration, workThe application(s) under the UNW or NWTTA Collective Agreements, Excluded Employee and Senior Management Handbooks and, the Human Resource Manual, in that order, shall prevail when there is a discrepancy on an entitlement and limitation for reimbursement for duty travel expenses and sustenance with FAM Policy 2001. Employees in the NWTTA Bargaining Unit. Telephone. ca • Website: PPPRRREEEAAAMMMBBBLLLEEE. The GNWT’s initial proposals focus on: improving mental health in the workplace; recruitment and retention strategies;. removal must fall within guidelines outlined in NWTTA Collective Agreement Article B2 - Ultimate Removal Assistance. of the NWTTA Collective Agreement. [email protected]. As per NWTTA collective agreement. For former employees who were bargaining unit members prior to the date on which the Indemnity Agreement was signed, the Collective Agreement between the Government and the appropriate union;. O. NWTTA Dues Northwest Territories Teachers Association union dues UNW Dues Union of Northern Workers union dues. The purpose of this agreement is to commit the parties to developing, maintaining and fostering an effective collective bargaining relationship that is based upon recognized terms and conditions of employment. Disciplinary letters for employees who are members of the Northwest Territories Teacher’s Association (NWTTA) or senior management shall be removed and destroyed after four years of employment have elapsed since the disciplinary action was taken, provided that no further disciplinary action has been recorded during that period. Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9. The OP1 and OP2 codes will no longer be available on the Self-Service Timesheet. The parties have entered into this Collective Agreement for the purpose of establishing rates of pay and other terms and conditions of employment of employees falling within the scope of this Agreement. CILLDI Courses are only available online for the summer of 2021. NWTTA Members -. ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS . YK1-NWTTA Collective Agreement 2021-2025. The UNW collective agreement for GNWT staff expires at the end of this month, while the NWTTA collective agreement expires at the end of July. Additional information regarding this article, and future articles, will be placed on the NWTTA website. 2. Employees should refer to Risk Management for complete details on the policy. YK1 & NWTTA reach four-year collective agreementSalary is pro-rated dependent on verified education and experience (ranging from $84,669 to $136,694 per annum) plus an annual pro-rated Northern Allowance based on the NWTTA Collective Agreement. Collective Agreement with the NWTTA – Article 14 – Sick Leave. The NWPTA came into effect July 1, 2010 and has been fully implemented. 03(d) of the UNW Collective Agreement. Excluded Employees’. SCOPE Located in Yellowknife, he Associate Registrar of Teacher Certification (Associate Registrar)t , reports to the Director, Education Operations and Educator Development. 516 . 5 times the regular rate. Relief employees allowance will be based on average hours worked 6 months prior to leave 6. COLLECTIVITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN The Northwest Territories Teachers' Association AND The Ministerial Of Human Resources A Collective Contractual has been signed between the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) and the Government of the Far Territories. Staffing priority on NWTTA competitions is defined by the GNWT Affirmative Action Policy and the NWTTA Collective Agreement. The information below serves as general information only and may not apply to you. The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) employs approximately 550 teachers through its six GNWT Divisional Education Councils (DECs) and there are. Senior Managers’ Handbook – Medical Travel Assistance. Article 38 - Assurance collective 30 Article 39 - Prestations d'invalidité 32 Article 40 - Allocation de retraite 32 XII. Maintain a positive relationship with the employer 3. Education Operations and Educator Development Education Culture and Employment P. Salary is pro-rated dependent on verified education and experience (ranging from $84,669 to $136,694 per annum) plus an annual pro-rated Northern Allowance based on the NWTTA Collective Agreement. Home | NWT Teachers' AssociationYou can view the current NWTTA collective agreement online. GNWT continues to suggest a four year Collective agreement. CONVENTION COLLECTIVE 2021-2025 - entre - l’Administration scolaire de district no 1 de Yellowknife dont l’appellation ju idi ue est la Commission scolaire du district no 1 de Yellowknife - et — l’Asso iation des enseignants et enseignantes des Territoires du Nord-Ouest pour la région du district scolaire no 1 de Yellowknife En vigueur du 1er septembre. 04. The NWTTA represents members employed by the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Yellowknife Catholic Schools (YCS) and Yellowknife Education District No. Collecting Bargaining Agreements (CBA) - Alberta Ministry of Labour and Immigration Contains selected collective agreements for organizations operating within Alberta, Canada. removal must fall within guidelines outlined in NWTTA Collective Agreement Article B2 - Ultimate Removal Assistance. "The collective agreement between the [territorial government] and NWTTA could not have been reached if it wasn't for our shared focus on providing stability and security for our N. The focus of both parties during negotiations was to provide NWT students and. [email protected]. This Agreement. GNWT and NWTTA Reach Collective Agreement. show more . Medical travel assistance entitlements for employees are contained in collective agreements and employee handbooks, including: Main Collective Agreement with the UNW – Article 20 – Sick Leave. 1 – New Business – NWTTA Collective Agreement I move that the Board of Trustees of Yellowknife Education District No. YELLOWKNIFE (May 2, 2016) – Today, the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) begins negotiation of a new collective agreement with the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA). to schools/DEA’s v) potential up-front funding of additional positions and O&M as a result of extraordinary student enrollmentContains current collective agreements in communities stylish the federal public service in Canada. As per Article 26 of the UNW Collective Agreement, callback is when an employee is recalled to a place of work for a specific duty but is not on standby. Minimum requirements include a Bachelor of Education Degree, a NWT Teacher Certification and : Experience or interest in teaching technology studies. ca. Bargaining - Manitoba School Boards Association Contains current collective contractual with teaching and non-teaching collaborators in Manitoba,Canada. Approval: NWTTA PD Coordinator DateTravel of the NWTTA Collective Agreement • substitute costs where applicable or warranted. The policy is coordinated through the Risk Management and Insurance Division of the Department of Finance. Quotes “The NWTTA is pleased to have reached a four-year collective agreement with the Yellowknife Education District No. 2. As a result, what the GNWT is providing the NWTTA is a package proposal2. In years three and four, the increases will be equal to the GNWT negotiated salary. for freight or removal must fall within guidelines outlined in NWTTA Collective Agreement. 867) 767-9353 ext. NWTTA Collective Agreement Article A1 Salary. Special leave in excess of five (5) consecutive working days for the purposes enumerated in Clause 19. A small community is one in which five or less members of the NWT Teachers' Association (NWTTA) reside and is isolated from other communities by more than a 30-kilometre all-weather road. Article 23. 2023/2024 School Year. Who decides when collective bargaining takes place for the next collective agreement? Under the. are legal contracts between a union and an employer; typically set out the rates of pay, hours of work, vacations, benefits, grievance procedures, and other conditions of employment. 00) per night for all expenses. Manitoba. top ‹ 0124 - Staffing Priority on NWTTA Competitions; up; 0126 -. . Authorities and References UNW Collective Agreement with the UNW - Article 24, Pay Excluded Employees' Handbook – Salary NWTTA Collective AgreementThe Government provides accidental death or dismemberment insurance coverage for employees while on duty travel. NWTTAGNWT and NWTTA Reach Collective Agreement. O Box 788 Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N6YK1 & NWTTA reach four-year collective agreement. It is the intention of the NWTTA to hire a replacement for my position to start in September 2017. NWTTA Collective Agreements; Teacher Induction and Mentorship; Teacher Qualification and Certification; Contact Us. There are three Collective Agreements: Government of the Northwest Territories. Sign a six (6) month return to service agreement for parental leave 4. 01(1) - Apprentices Appendix A9. 14. 516 . 2023/2024 School Year. 2023/2024 School year. Northern allowance for part-time teachers, substitute teachers and teachers who do not work a complete academic year will be pro-rated on the number of sessional days. Where there is specific language in the Collective Agreement, the Human Resource Manual will refer to that Article of the Collective Agreement. The agreement covers teachers and EAs in YK1. 07 of the NWTTA Collective Agreement The employee and the employee’s dependents shall be eligible to receive reasonable and necessary airfare and hotel accommodation for a maximum of seven (7) nights for medical or dental treatment - maximum of one hundred-fifty dollars ($150. 07, Pedagogic Leave Article 15. YK1-NWTTA Collective Agreement Contract 2020-2021 (French) YK1-USW Collective Agreement 2019-2022. Maternity and Parental Leave It's important to have the time you need to prepare for and welcome a new child into your family and adjust to your new responsibilities as a caregiver. 1 (YK1) and the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) during their regular board meeting on January 12, 2021. Government of the Northwest Territories. This Agreement has been reformatted for the purpose of posting it online as a Portable Document Format (PDF) document. top. This Agreement is effective August 1, 2020 for June 31, 2021. NWTTA northern allowance rates are effective from September 1 to August 31. Duty Travel Rates - An employee who is authorized to travel on Government business will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred. nt. 5 times the regular rate. 516 . Application for NWT Teacher Certification & Salary Evaluation. pdf Description: As per Article B1. Browse agreements by Division. conclude a GNWT collective agreement in principle after ten days of face-to-face bargaining with the Employer over four bargaining sessions. Collective Agreement with NWTTA- Article 13, 14, 15Northwest Territories Teachers' Association Entire NWT teachers grow members starting the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association over their first day-time in their new positions. Medical travel assistance entitlements for employees are contained in collective agreements and employee handbooks, including: Main Collective Agreement with the UNW – Article 20 – Sick Leave. The Government of the Northwest Territories adjusts these rates as the Federal rates are changed. ca. Box 1320. EXPIRES . These sources state that Domestic Violence Leave is a special circumstance put in place to support and protect the privacy of employees and their children dealing with domestic violence issues. show less . Please refer to the NWTTA Collective agreement and/or your Regional Professional Development Committee guidelines for more details on eligible expenses. Entitlements for employees are contained in collective agreements and employee handbooks. Adresse postale P. Article 23. Duration: 2023/2024 School year. Box 1320. Definitions. nt. 01/02Article 45 of the UNW Collective Agreement; Excluded Employees Handbook; Senior Managers’ Handbook; Article B4 of the NWTTA Collective Agreement; With respect to recording Duty Travel in your self service timesheet, it is recorded as “REG'. 01 The purpose of this Agreement is: - to maintain harmonious and mutually beneficial relationships between the Employer, the members of the Bargaining Unit and the Northwest Territories Teachers' Association, and - to state certain terms and conditions of employment on remuneration, workYK1 DUTY TRAVEL RATES Effective: November 22, 2016 We will now be following the NWTTA-GNWT Collective Agreement Reference: Article B4 - Duty TravelThe territorial government and Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) said on Monday they are beginning negotiations toward a new collective agreement. 5 per cent, and an additional 1. As seasons vary from year to year, the actual date varies. An employee shall be granted special leave with pay up to a maximum of three (3) working days on the occasion of the birth of. ca / Phone: 867-873-5759). 02 of the Collective Agreement between the Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association and the Government of the Northwest Territories, the following chart shows the Northern Allowance of each NWT community effective the beginning of the 2020 school year. Telephone. 01 Allowance - Sums additional to the salary grid as specified in . NWTTA Collective Agreement – Article A1, Salary Excluded Employees’ Handbook – Salary Senior Managers’ Handbook – Salary. The Northwest Territories Teachers’ Association (NWTTA) is a professional organization of approximately 850 teachers from three (3) distinct bargaining units who are employed within the Northwest Territories’ publicly funded school system. Alberta. The Director completes a salary determination form. Term employees must be able to satisfy the return to service agreements prior to term expiry 5. Community Rate Aklavik $ 22,926An arbitrator has decided in the NWT Teachers’ Association's favour that Covid-19 medical furthermore special leave banks should stayed stylish the collective agreement. Duration: 2023/2024 School year. 01 Allowance - Sums additional to the salary grid as specified in Articles 3 and 4. removal must fall within guidelines outlined in NWTTA Collective Agreement Article B2 - Ultimate Removal Assistance. Contains current collective agreements between the NWTTA (Northwest Territories Teachers' Association), the UNW (Union of. 3. Salary is pro-rated dependent on verified education and experience (ranging from $84,669 to $132,694 per annum) plus an annual pro-rated Northern Allowance based on the NWTTA Collective Agreement. This Agreement is effective April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2023. An arbitrator has decided in the NWT Teachers’ Association's favour that Covid-19 sick the special abandoned coffers should remain to the collective agreement. As per NWTTA collective agreement. 1 (YK1), and negotiates collective agreements on behalf of these members. If dissatisfied with your evaluation, you may request, in writing to the address below, a reassessment by the NWT Teacher Qualification Service (NWTTQS). 2. 3. 1. (Email: [email protected]. Effective September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2025, the agreement includes a retroactive salary increase of 1.