01 HISTORY Sections: CH. This permit is required in additi Office Hours Monday ‐ Friday 8:00am ‐ 5:00pm Plan Submittal Accepted till 4:30pm Planning & Community Development Director Rebecca Ableman Municipal Code Available online:This ordinance amending the City’s municipal code was sent to the Washington State Department of Commerce (2022-S-3907), as required by the Growth Management Act; no comments were. Phone: (425) 622-9400City Hall 1812 Main Street (physical) P. as approved by the City of Lake Stevens pursuant to Lake Stevens Municipal . 796, Sec. 60. NOTE: WORKSHOP ON VOUCHERS AT 6:45 P. 16A. 020. 010 Definitions. C. 43, 2013; Ord. Sewage Disposal System. The Lake Stevens Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1161, passed March 28, 2023. UBLIC HEARINGP 1. This page provides the municipality and school district for a particular address. 15, 2009; Ord. 100 Disposal of Animals Upon Revocation of Permit. O. Approve minutes for October 17, 2018 meeting E. 35A. Municipal Statistics. 04. Time and date notice is posted; C. 60. What is the permitting process for projects that affect Critical Areas? A critical area review will take place concurrently with the underlying application. Phone: (425) 622-940014. The Lake Stevens Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1161, passed March 28, 2023. La Palma City Code. The Lake Stevens Shoreline Master Program requires a 50-foot buffer from the lake and 10-foot setback. 2, 2009). 27 RCW, State Building Code Act, and Chapter 14. 070 entitled "recreational parr( trailers and recrbational vehtcles (rÐ regulations'' and amending the lai(e stevens municipal code chapter 14. 04. Phone: (425) 622-9400. 210 and Table 14. 5. 2 Subject to Section 14. Ordinances are permanent regulations relating to city business enacted by the City Council, as opposed to a law made by the state or federal government. 120, Sultan Municipal Code. Amendment to Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Title 14. ) Chapter 118-30-60 WAC, “Emergency Plans”. A complete copy of the Municipal Code may be purchased through the Code Publishing Company: (206) 527-6831. All development, within the subareas, is subject to the provisions of the LSMC, except when sections of this chapter modify the standard municipal code requirements or the section does not provide detailed provisions. 010, enacted in 1976, establishes a civil service system applicable to the entire police department, including the police chief. 16C. 06. (Ord. (Ord. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF, or PNG. 48-II set forth the minimum building and freestanding sign set-backs required from lot lines. A floodplain development permit is required for this proposal pursuant to LSMC 14. 3 A retail or office use in a commercial zone is permitted, except. Please consult Title 14 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code or the Department Updated 8/14/20 of Planning and Community Development for actual regulations and requirements. Procedure for city operating under charter to become a charter code city. A misdemeanor subject to a jail term of not more than 90 days, a fine of not more than $1,000. 8. 12. 18. All persons accessing or otherwise using this Data. Developable Area. Frontage Improvement Waiver Requests: Per Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) 14. (Ord. 08 defines an event as. Description or code number of the violation;Lake Stevens, WA 98258 (425) 377‐3235 applicant to post the signs on site. (Ord. The Council engaged in a discussion. The Emergency Management Coordinator is hereby empowered to: (a) Represent the City of Lake Stevens in dealing with issues pertaining to emergency management; (b) Prepare, maintain, and implement the emergency management plan of the City and manage the day-to-day. (j) A City of Lake Stevens business license pursuant to Chapter 4. Advertisement: This definition appears rarely. A), 2022) 5. 010 HISTORY Section CH. Usually, buoys and markers require a Shoreline Exemption and a Private Buoy or Marker Permit from the Planning Department, with annual renewal required from the City of Lake Stevens Police Department. Severability. 84, Monroe Municipal code 15. 72-I, Table of Parking Requirements, is only intended to establish a presumption and should be flexibly administered, as provided in Section 14. 06, Stormwater Management). Amendments and updates to the Data, together with other applicable City Code provisions, may apply which are not depicted herein. Notify Me. Link: City Council. 64. 3. August 12,. 16. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation. Accessibility. Lake Stevens Municipal Code; Odor Complaint; Polar Plunge; Police Officer Testing Process; Reclaim Evidence; Request Uniform Officer Extra-Duty Events;Lake Stevens: See Marysville Municipal Court Lake Stevens Violations Bureau Only Location: 1812 Main St Lake Stevens, WA 98258. 2016. 8, 2020) 14. 360, and adding new chapter 14. Phone: (425) 622-9400. 48. Parks & Recreation. (a) The agricultural and wildlife fireworks are used for wildlife control or are distributed to farmers, ranchers, or growers through a wildlife management program administered by the United States department of the interior or an equivalent state or local governmental agency;2. 64. This section of the LSMC prohibits non-stormwater, illegal discharges, and/or dumping into the City’s municipal separate storm sewer system to the maximumMunicipal Code; Ordinances & Resolutions; Public Records Act Rules; Public Records Request. Lands on the western side of Lake Stevens drain toward the Sunnyside system. 60. Online Permit Center. If there is a conflict between the SMP and a related document,Municipal Code; Form Center; City Calendar. Box 257 (mailing) Lake Stevens, WA 98258. Box 257 (mailing) Lake Stevens, WA 98258. (a) The Council finds that: (1) Trees are proven producers of oxygen, a necessary element for human survival; (2) Trees appreciably reduce the ever increasing environmentally dangerous carbon dioxide content of the air and play a vital role in purifying the air we breathe;The Lake Stevens Municipal Code is current through Ordinance 1161, passed March 28, 2023. Section 11. 14. 050 Discharge of Firearms Prohibited. 090 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) sets forth the process for rezone applications; and. Users should contact the city clerk’s office for ordinances passed subsequent to the ordinance cited above. 14. Phone: (425) 622-9401 Home. 51 would need to be amended by Ordinance 1107. Municipal Code; Planning Applications & Handouts; Public Works Applications & Handouts; Event Applications & Handouts; City Calendar. In cases where there is a conflict between the EDDS and municipal code, the municipal code shall be the controlling document. 01. Downtown Lake Stevens Subarea Plan would be amended to reflect the proposed map amendments to four parcels along 17th Pl NE. Box 257 (mailing) Lake Stevens, WA 98258. 070 provides detailed requirements. 62 titled (wireless. 1134, Sec. 36. Police Department. City Hall and Permit Counter Hours. (2) Be permanently removed from the limits of the City under written conditions agreed upon by the Lake Stevens Police Department. 097. The example below is using the information from. The Municipal Court does not hear civil cases, small claims cases or name changes. 010 Limiting the Sales of Fireworks. Land outside of critical areas, their setback, and buffers. 00, or both such fine and imprisonment or. City Hall 1812 Main Street (physical) P. O. 16. 050, the Director will review applicable projects for consistency with these design. the Lake Stevens Code. org . 68. 16A-I. All land uses and development proposals shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code for general and specific flood hazard protection (see Chapter 11. The Lake Stevens City Council adopted Ordinance 808 in 2009 which included Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC) Section 11. 80, Building and Construction. Lake Stevens Municipal Code 10. In order to make this change, Lake Stevens Municipal Codes 2. Contact Person/Department: Stacie Pratschner, Senior Planner /. City of Lake Stevens Comprehensive Plan (Adopted July 2006, as amended) Title 14 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, in particular, the following topics: Administration and Procedures Types of Land Use Review Land Use Actions, Permits and Determinations Decision Criteria and Standards–Lake Stevens, WA 98258. Site Map. 46) and City review comments are not addressing the following. Lake Stevens, WA 98258. 9, 1982)LAKE STEVENS, Wash. 015. 010 (Mixed Use). (a) The sale of consumer fireworks is prohibited within the City of Lake Stevens except on the dates and times for each year for the Fourth of July as follows: (1) June 28: 12:00 noon to 11:00 p. Website Sign In; Search. Accessibility. Phone: (425) 622-9400Lake Stevens, WA 98258 (425) 377‐3235 unnecessarily difficult. , June 18, 2021 – Lake Stevens City Council passed Ordinance 1119 during their meeting on June 8, updating regulations on marijuana facilities development. Garden Grove Municipal Code. Community parks are those parks that are considered to be designations for the City residents and. M. Tweet. (a) Fees for business licenses are established by the City Council pursuant to such periodic resolution as the Council from time to time updates and approves and by the Washington State Business License Services for the handling fee. Code Enforcement is primarily responsible for enforcing the sections of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code (codepublishing. R-8,400. Phone: (425) 622-9400. They address. In order to make this change, Lake Stevens Municipal Codes 2. Box 257 (mailing) Lake Stevens, WA 98258. 22, 2009) Part II. Title 10 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code contains the city’s regulations for parks and recreation facilities including parks, trails, open spaces, and water bodies. m. 1825 S Lake Stevens Road Lake Stevens, WA 98258. Box 257 (mailing) Lake Stevens, WA 98258. There are two basic types of parks within the City: Community and Local. 5 (Exh. 60 Nuisance Activity The following excerpts are from the most commonly reported nuisance violations and can. City Hall 1812 Main Street (physical) P. Zoneomics provides the most comprehensive real estate zoning information available through the aggregation of municipal zoning mapping, code and ordinance records and data. (a) All development in the regulatory floodplain, within the City of Lake Stevens, comprised of the special flood hazard area and all protected areas (i. 76. 5. 020 and 2. 48. 020 and 2. Pilchuck system. Selected specific duties include: • Act as the principal planning advisory body for all matters relating to land use, comprehensive planning and. WHEREAS, the city of Lake Stevens purchased real property (Parcel Numbers 005622-000-002-02, 005622-000-003-00, 005622-000-004-00, 005622-000-012-03, 005622-000-012-04 005622-000-013-00 and 005622-000-013-01) commonly known. Municipal Code Open in a new window. drainage requirements, roads, etc. 60. Date of Issuance: August 12, 2016. The consensus of the Council was to not. 20. 48. Failure to give notice will result in the assessment of a one-hour inspection time charge against the permittee. 1825 S Lake Stevens Road Lake Stevens, WA 98258. Public meetings before the Park Board will be governed by these rules of procedure. ZIP Code: 98258. Lake Stevens Municipal Code Title 16 . 12 of the Lake Stevens Municipal Code, do hereby proclaim that a State of Emergency exists in the City of Lake Stevens, and direct the plans and procedures of the City of Lake Stevens Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan be. of Lake Stevens Municipal Code (LSMC), the most recent adopted version of the Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (SWMM), and the Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound (LID). Notify Me. Site Map. Job Openings. m. Lake Stevens is an urban lake with the main land use on the shore of single-family residential. Online Permit Center. Dana Point Municipal Code. City Hall and Permit Counter Hours. 080 (C) — Declares overgrown or unkempt vegetation a nuisance and details. 180. (a) The applicant may revise a binding site plan application or may request that the department revise conditions of binding site plan approval. 48. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone. If there is a conflict between the SMP and a related document,New Location The Lake Stevens Police Department is now located at 1825 S Lake Stevens Road Read On.